Workshop and Effective Readers

English 8 students began a text on slave codes (available here) in anticipation of our first novel, Nightjohn. We also began our year-long use of effective readers’ skills (download here) with the slave codes text. English I Honors students began their first...

Socratic Beginnings and Teamwork

English 8 students worked on their first Socratic Seminar today. We’ll be trying it later in the quarter for real, but today was simply a chance for everyone to get used to the protocol. English I Honors students worked on their first analytic paragraphs. These...
Literacy and Analysis

Literacy and Analysis

English I Honors began the first of several Schaffer analytic paragraphs on short stories. Students had an option to work on “The Most Dangerous Game” or “Harrison Bergeron.” English 8 continued the start of our short unit on Nightjohn and...

Quotes and Literacy

English 8 students began a new unit practicing with the Moodle forum feature to discuss the following questions: Imagine you cannot read: how would that change your life? List three to five things you would not be able to do that you would truly miss. What would you...