Outlining and 1.1

Outlining and 1.1

English I students went over the first scene of Romeo and Juliet, adding a few more lines and settling into the story slowly. We’ll be spending a few days on this first scene to make sure everyone sees how things are going. English 8 students began the new unit,...

John Fullbright

The most talented young musician currently working today is a young man from Oklahoma named John Fullbright. He writes music that’s mature and self-assured, and his lyrics sound like he has at least 40 more years’ experience than he actually has. This is...

PSAT and Extra Credit

English I Honors students — all fifteen of them spread among two classes — worked on logic puzzles as the vast majority of the students were in the library taking the PSAT during class. English 8 students began a brief day-and-a-half extra credit...