Bad Habits and 1.5

English I Honors students completed their work on the first act of Romeo and Juliet. We’ll be having a test tomorrow on act one. English 8 students continued with our new STEAM unit, which will involved the habits of effective people. We’ll be returning to...
Split Work and 5.1

Split Work and 5.1

English I Honors students looked at 5.1, the famous meeting scene in Romeo and Juliet. After a quiz, we looked at how 5.1 contains hidden stage directions in the opening lines. English 8 students did split work: fifth period students finished up the outlining work for...
Social Studies Outlines and Mab

Social Studies Outlines and Mab

English 8 students continued working with their outlining work in their social studies book. One class finished today; the other will finish tomorrow. English I students went over 1.4 and the famous Queen Mab segment: O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you. She...
Outlining and Love

Outlining and Love

English I students worked on the various views of love that various characters have in Romeo and Juliet. English 8 students began applying their new skills in outlining to their social studies book. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors:  complete the...