Project and Figurative Language

English 8 students finished up the overview of figurative language and next week will begin working on poems that include figurative language. English I students had a final day of work on the Romeo and Juliet project. The midterm exam is tomorrow. Make sure...
Metaphors and a Project

Metaphors and a Project

English I Honors students continued working on the Romeo and Juliet project. We’ll have a couple of more days’ work in-class this week before the semester exam on Friday. English 8 students worked on “Because You Asked” from yesterday, with...
First Day Back

First Day Back

English I Honors students worked on their Romeo and Juliet projects, which will be due next Thursday (January 12). We also went over the mid-term exam, which is coming up this week. We might be moving it back to Friday due to a scheduling conflict. English 8 students...