
A reminder to students in English I Honors: if you are not satisfied with your grade for the narrative lessons we had on Moodle, please speak with Mr. Scott about an additional assignment you can complete to supplement that...


Ironically, all classes in one form or another prepared for a Socratic Seminar tomorrow. English I Honors will be working off the reading we had in class today about Jim Crow laws as we begin To Kill a Mockingbird while English 8 students will be working with topics...

Annotating and Narratives

English I Honors continued working on their narratives. Tomorrow will be the last day in class. Students will need to work on their rubrics at home (see below). English 8 students had their last day of annotating texts for the Frederick Douglass autobiography....

Narrative Foci and Second Text

English I Honors had a quick quiz on the at-home, flipped-class narrative lessons the have been working on. Our focus today was on dialogue and avoiding verb tense shifts. English 8 students began the second part of Frederick Douglass’s autobiography....