Lit Circles All Around

All classes worked on lit circles today. English I students continued with the Mockingbird circles. We’ll be moving on to the next section of readings shortly, but we’ll be taking them one chapter at a time as we’ve reached the trial scene —...

Field Trip

We all had a field trip to Roper Mountain today, so most students didn’t have class. That doesn’t mean they don’t have homework, though. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: read chapters 13-16 of...

Back to Normal

English I Honors students returned to Mockingbird to look at some tough word choices that appear because of its nature as a Southern novel. English 8 students returned for the final text portion of the Frederick Douglass autobiography we’ve been reading....
MAP Spring 2017

MAP Spring 2017

Students took the spring MAP test today, which means almost everyone got a day off: it’s one of the few days that I let kids have a break. What did most English I students do instead of relaxing? Worked on their article of the week. Those who didn’t played...