Projects and Close Reading

English 8 students finished up their second close reading portion of Frederick Douglass’s autobiography. We worked in groups and will be debriefing/correcting tomorrow. We’ll have a small test on subordinate clauses, pronouns and antecedents, and...
Transitions and Chess

Transitions and Chess

Today was reward day, so all classes were shorter. English I Honors finished up the work on transitioning in writing. English 8 students, since it was reward day, had their third chess day of the year. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: come to...

Vocab and Transitions

English 8 took the day to work with vocabulary. They did this because of the shortened sixth period, which lost twenty minutes of class time for the student-faculty basketball game. English I Honors students began working on a tricky topic indeed: transitioning...
Annotation and Extra Credit

Annotation and Extra Credit

English I students finished up yesterday’s work by looking at how to interpret and answer extended essay prompts. Actually writing this composition will be the extra credit assignment for the third quarter. Students are receiving this now in order to have a...