Anne Frank and Ballads

6 school days left English I Honors students worked on a poetic form: the ballad. We’ll be continuing this through the end of the week. English 8 students continued working on The Diary of Anne Frank. We will be finishing this by the end of the week....

End of the Novel and Stress

7 school days left English 8 students continued working on the final scenes of The Diary of Anne Frank. We’ll be finishing up next week — of course, we’ll have to! English I Honors finished up Great Expectations and then had a bit of a...

EOC 2018 and Group Project

8 school days left English I Honors students completed the second part of the End of Course Exam today. We should have the results back at the latest by the time we return to school Tuesday; it’s conceivable that we’ll have the results by the end of...

Active/Passive and AF Final Act

9 school days left English I students went over active and passive voice incredibly quickly as a last-minute overview of potential End of Course Exam material. We finished with a conclusion to the question of social class in Great Expectations. English 8 students...
SWBS and Critical Thinking

SWBS and Critical Thinking

10 school days left English 8 students continued going over The Diary of Anne Frank, looking today at the Somebody Wanted But So engagement we’ll be using for the rest of the play. English I Honors students, due to a distinct lack of students in class...