Topic Sentences and Participles

English I Honors worked on tightening their topic sentences again. It’s not what I originally planned on doing, but seeing the need, I tried to remedy it somewhat today. English 8 students hit one of the grammar standards today, working to recognize participles...

Chapter 3 and the Final Analysis

English 8 students went through chapter 3 from Nightjohn after their article of the week work. We practiced retelling, doing individual retellings and a group retelling before we had our daily individual selection reading time. English I Honors began the final writing...
Friday Work and Logical Friday

Friday Work and Logical Friday

English 8 students did they’re typical Friday inference work. English I Honors students, after four weeks of heavy lifting, took something of a break once their latest writing assignment was completed, which it should have been done for homework, and turned in,...
Voice and Assessing

Voice and Assessing

English I Honors examined some sample paragraphs that I wrote about “The Cask of Amontillado” and evaluated them based on the project rubric. Once we debriefed as a class, students paired up again and worked to help their partner improve his/her paragraph...