Outlining The Nurse and Juliet

All classes spent a little time on the article of the week. I provided students with some additional help in the form of a stems list to help students determine words from context. English I students finished up work on implied blocking in  Shakespeare by looking at a...
Outlining and Inferred Blocking

Outlining and Inferred Blocking

All classes began with more in-depth practice with the Article of the Week assignment. English I Honors students began applying what we learned yesterday about implied blocking included in Romeo and Juliet. Specifically, we looked at this small passage from Capulet:...

Scene 5 and Summarizing

English 8 students began working on an extended exercise with standard RI-6.1: “Provide an objective summary of a text with two or more central ideas; cite key supporting details to analyze their development.” Today we reviewed briefly how to create a...