Anne Frank and TDA

English 8 students continued getting background information necessary for understanding Anne Frank. We’ll be starting the play shortly. English I Honors students worked on TDA strategies before our big EOC TDA in a couple of weeks. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies:...
Pyzowka, Poland

Pyzowka, Poland

My wife’s best friend Dominika (more like a sister that she never had) lives in this idyllic Polish village with her husband Grzeszek and their three children. A visit to Poland is not complete without multiple trips to Pyzowka. I took this photo on a short walk...

Works Cited and Poetry Work

English I Honors students worked on research just a little more, reviewing the sweet intricacies of MLA citations. Students were rapt in fascination about the near perfect beauty of the MLA (8th edition) citations. Some students, though, moved by the removal of the...