Final Prep and Phrases

First and fifth periods had a final day of preparing their PowerPoint presentations on the…

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First and fifth periods had a final day of preparing their PowerPoint presentations on the commitment of Mary Todd Lincoln.

Second and fourth periods began Great Expectations by looking at phrases before beginning the first bit of the book. Notes on phrases are available here.

  • First and fifth periods: complete the writing assignment about choice that was at the courses web site (due Thursday).
  • Second and fourth periods: examine the following passage from the opening of Great Expectations. Indicate with parenthesis where each phrase begins and ends.

    To five little stone lozenges, each about a foot and a half long which were arranged in a neat row beside their grave, and were sacred to the memory of five little brothers of mine — who gave up trying to get a living, exceedingly early in that universal struggle — I am indebted for a belief I religiously entertained that they had all been born on their backs with their hands in their trousers- pockets, and had never taken them out in this state of existence.


  1. I have tried to get logged into the new site. I’ve completed everything to the point where it says that I should receive an email. I have not gotten the email that will confirm my login. What should I do now?


  2. It should work now.