Schaffer Practice and Inferring

Fourth and fifth periods today dug into the Schaffer model, the writing framework we will…

August 16, 2022


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Mr. Scott

Fourth and fifth periods today dug into the Schaffer model, the writing framework we will use the entire year. We covered the basics of how to use the model for prewriting/planning. We took special notice of the way we can use the TS to prove two things and then use one CD per claim to provide evidence.

Sixth- and seventh-period students began applying the overview we completed yesterday of observing and inferring to the first text of the year, a story most students have already read, thus providing a focus on the inferring skill with a known text.


  • English 8: complete Part 3 (About You) from the first day’s work (as needed).
  • English I Honors: think of a short story you have read; imagine Mr. Scott gave you that story as homework along with a writing assignment to compose a one-paragraph analysis of the story. What might you write? You don’t have to write the paragraph, but you need to be able to explain what you would write about it.