Balcony Madness and Friday Work

English 8 worked on their regular inference work today after finishing up their paradigm outline…

December 07, 2018


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Mr. Scott

English 8 worked on their regular inference work today after finishing up their paradigm outline practice. We’ll be turning to The Seven Habits of Effective Teens on Monday to apply all these skills.

English I Honors looked at the final versions of the balcony scene from 2.2. It will form the basis for extra credit a little later in the quarter.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • choose one of the quotes your group worked on based on the criterion that it was the most widely interpreted passage of the four versions we viewed;
    • read the ten or so lines before it and the ten or so lines after it;
    • make sure you know exactly what every part of that quote means.