Completion and PSAT

First and fifth periods finished watching the film adaptation of Nightjohn. We had an informal conversation…

October 17, 2012


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Mr. Scott

First and fifth periods finished watching the film adaptation of Nightjohn. We had an informal conversation about some of the differences between the film and the book.

Still from Nightjohn

Still from Nightjohn

First period notes are available here; sixth period notes are available here.

Second and fourth periods had a chance to make up some missing extra credit work or to work ahead with the PTA Reflections essay because the vast majority — 80% of the students — of the group was taking the PSAT.


None. (Yes, second and fourth periods, you read that correctly: you have no homework.)


  1. What the heck is going on with life!?!?!?!?!?!?
    Is something wrong, Mr.Scott?
    Are you serious about us (2nd and 4th periods) having no homework?

  2. I know. I fell and bumped my head. It won’t happen again, promise.