Nightjohn and the Cyclops

First and fifth periods almost completed the Nightjohn film we’re watching as a culmination to…

October 16, 2012


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Mr. Scott

First and fifth periods almost completed the Nightjohn film we’re watching as a culmination to our unit on tradition and change. We’ll be writing an argumentative essay next week as the capstone to the quarter.

Bertrand-Jean Redon’s De cycloop

Second and fourth periods continued with the Odyssey. We began by looking at some of the cleverness Odysseus shows in this episode when he tells Polyphemus that his name is “Nobody.” It’s a play on Odysseus’ name in Greek.

“Nobody” and “Odysseus” in Greek

Additionally, we began by clarifying further the form of the Homeric simile.

Second period notes from board

We finished up by turning the tables on the cyclops, writing a poem as groups that examine the episode from the cyclops’s point of view and incorporates a homemade Homeric simile.

  • First and fifth periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods: final essay for short story unit due tomorrow.


  1. Where do we turn in the final essay?