Preparation, Completion, and Subtexts

First and sixth periods worked on their Anne Frank projects. This involved close-reading the text…

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First and sixth periods worked on their Anne Frank projects. This involved close-reading the text to determine necessary props, movements, body language, tone, and all the other myriad elements that make up a successful performance.

Planning for the Anne Frank Project

Second and sixth periods spent another day working on inferring subtexts from a given text — critical for act four of Romeo and Juliet.

Seventh period completed Hatchet. We’ll soon be moving to research based on the book.

  • First, sixth, and seventh periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • read Romeo and Juliet 4.1 and 4.2;
    • for each scene, write a paragraph based on the following guidelines:
      • For 4.1: Select Paris, the Friar, or Juliet, and write a paragraph describing what the character’s subtext is for this meeting.
      • For 4.2: Select Juliet or her father and write a paragraph describing what you think the character’s subtext is for this meeting.