Sentence Variety, Calypso, and Sensory Details

First and sixth period worked on adding sensory details to writing. We looked at two…

September 22, 2011


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First and sixth period worked on adding sensory details to writing. We looked at two passages from the I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings excerpt (the description of Mrs. Flowers’s living room and the description of eating the cookie Mrs. Flowers had baked) that use highly detailed sensory language. We then turned our attention to a picture of a room to try our hand at sensory details.

Second and sixth looked at the highly detailed imagery characteristic of the Odyssey. This led us to our first two Homeric similies.

Seventh period looked at sentence structure and practiced some more complicated sentences. We’ll be continuing tomorrow with our drafting and revision.

  • First and sixth periods: complete sensory-based description of room (see above).
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • continue examining the Suzanne Vega song to compare it to the image of Calypso we see in the Odyssey (this will be the starter tomorrow morning);
    • read “I am Laertes’ son” and “The Lotus Eaters” (1043-1047);
    • complete and turn in the final short story analysis.
  • Seventh period: you need to have four different first drafts completed by tomorrow.