Planning, Inverviews, and an Inventory

First and sixth periods read another chapter of Nightjohn; we’ll finish the book in the…

September 15, 2011


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Mr. Scott

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First and sixth periods read another chapter of Nightjohn; we’ll finish the book in the next couple of days, possibly tomorrow. We ended today’s session by beginning to plan for our literacy memoir. We took the Burke Reading Inventory as a way to jump-start our writing project as well as provide me some feedback on students’ reading habits.

Second and fourth periods continued working on analytic writing for the short story unit. We’ll be wrapping up the unit early next week.

Seventh period began the writing process unit. We looked at the Expert Inventory as well as the Inquiry Inventory.

  • First and sixth periods: none. (Don’t get used to this!)
  • Second and fourth:
    • Complete the final draft of the third essay (on point of view). Turn this in online. The deadline is Friday 16 September at midnight. Turn it in online. No late submissions accepted.
    • Use the table of contents in your textbook and find the introductory material on symbolism and irony. Read these pages and take notes as needed.