
First period completed the first step to a literacy essay by taking a Burke Reading…

September 30, 2010


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First period completed the first step to a literacy essay by taking a Burke Reading Interview. We’ll be working in pairs Monday to discuss it. (Tomorrow we’re finally beginning Word Friday — a weekly focus on vocabulary and word formation.)

Second and sixth periods looked at the importance of point of view in a narrative. We used passages from Nightjohn to see how radically a change in point of view changes everything.

Calypso's Island, Departure of Ulysses by Samuel Palmer

Calypso's Island, Departure of Ulysses by Samuel Palmer

Fourth period went over the Calypso section, seeing how the epic narrative works. We also found our first example of a Homeric simile. The kids were thrilled, whooping and hollering with excitement. “Just what I’ve always wanted!” was the common refrain.

  • First, second, and sixth periods: none.
  • Fourth period: read “I am Laertes’ son” and “Lotus Eaters.”