Poetry, Poetry, Poetry Everywhere

All classes are working on poetry. First period has spent a couple of days doing…

December 03, 2008


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Mr. Scott

All classes are working on poetry. First period has spent a couple of days doing a refresher on the basic elements of poetry. We’ll have a quiz tomorrow.

Fourth and sixth periods began poetry today. We took a leisurely time discussing poetry and what it is for us personally.

Second period is working on the poem, the foundation of Western literature: the Odyssey. Today we finished up Odysseus’s adventures with Calypso, comparing what we read in the epic with Suzanne Vega’s song “Calypso.” I would quote the relevant portions, but this is what I got when I went to find the lyrics online:


You can find the lyrics here.

  • First period: quiz tomorrow on basic terms.
  • Second period: complete reading “I am Laertes’ son.”
  • Fourth and sixth periods: none.