Vocabulary and Context Clues in Poetry

Today in first period class we read a poem by Nikki Giovanni called “The Drum,” on page 610. After we read the poem we went through the steps of understanding the poem. Then, when we got done with that we received a vocabulary chart of words and some were...

Lanyards, Vocab, and Online Work

First period received their introduction to our Moodle installation at courses.ourenglishclass.net. We worked on persuasive techniques, reviewing them and identifying them. Second and sixth periods went over some vocabulary for the persuasion unit. Fourth period read...

Overview of a Thursday

First period began a new unit on persuasion. We’ll be working on it for approximately two and a half weeks. Second and sixth periods wrapped up their drafting for the literacy memoir. The final draft is due Monday; the rubric is here. First, second, and sixth...

Seuss Word Friday

First, second, and sixth periods all worked on words (particularly -ous and -tion words). We read a bit of Dr. Seuss at the end of the period as an end-of-the-week relaxing activity (which also promoted reading fluency). Fourth period worked on their projects....

Friday Finale!

Well, not much of a finale: no class really finished a big unit or anything. Still, it’s Friday! We’re all ready for a break. First, second, and sixth periods had their vocabulary quizzes. Fourth period completed their paraphrasing work — we’re...