Outlining and Preparing

First, second, and seventh periods all began their outlines for their memoirs. Fourth period continued preparing Antigone. We also had a quick review for tomorrow’s test on nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. Homework First, second, and seventh periods: complete...

The Lead; Presentations; Diction

First period worked on leads. We looked at six examples: The Dramatic Lead: I wouldn’t make it through the night without it. Starting In the Middle Of a Scene: I was sure we’d find the blanket ripped and dirty. Leisurely Lead: When I looked into my Grandma’s linen...

Linguistic Change and Drafting

First period worked on revising their initial memoir drafts. We looked for content holes and/or loaded content–places where the writer didn’t give as much detail as he/she could. Second period discussed the use of a socially offensive word in To Kill a...

Treasure Hunt, Thesis, and Two Characters

First period began working on their first drafts. We looked at the nature of a thesis statement and how it can guide writing. We also talked about how it can change. Then we began writing! Second period worked on the beginnings of a graphic organizer that will show...

Treasure Hunts, Reliability, and Memoirs

First period worked on a simple question: how is writing an essay (especially a memoir) like a treasure hunt? We used a graphic organizer to work out our thoughts, working in pairs and then as a class. We then addressed three pre-writing strategies: Free writing...