Subject-Verb Agreement and a New Journal

First, second, and seventh periods all finished up verbs (though seventh didn’t quite finish) by…

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Mr. Scott

First, second, and seventh periods all finished up verbs (though seventh didn’t quite finish) by looking at subject-verb agreement.

Fourth period went over the material from homework video on Dickens’ life. (Stills below) 

Dickens' Childhood

It’s a great video for providing students with a brief biography of Dickens. 

Visiting his father in debtors' prison

The animation makes it just lighthearted enough that it doesn’t feel like a drudgery. 

At work as a law clerk

And students get to see just how prolific Dickens was. 

Books and family

Afterwards, we went over the concept of a reader’s response journal.

  • First, second, and seventh periods: journal.
  • Fourth period: reader’s response journal.