Allegory of the Lit Circles

English I Honors began the new unit on Lord of the Flies by reading Plato’s “Allegory…

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Mr. Scott

English I Honors began the new unit on Lord of the Flies by reading Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.” I threw them into the text with little to no background knowledge to let them make sense of the simple narrative of the text, which they did in collaborative groups. We’ll be adding the necessary context tomorrow.

English 8 students continued with the lit circles for act two of The Diary of Anne Frank. Students should be through scene two by tomorrow.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete the No Red Ink work (the last of the year) for MLA citations;
    • make sure you’ve turned in your Mockingbird paragraphs on Google Classroom.