Starting R&J and Continuing “Tears”

English 8 students continued reading “The Tears of Autumn.” Students should how have only the…

January 05, 2023


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English 8 students continued reading “The Tears of Autumn.” Students should how have only the last page and a half to read and to annotate for tomorrow.

English I students began actually acting/reading Romeo and Juliet.

They discovered a couple of things:

  1. R&J is not what they expect — there are some scenes that seem decidedly uncharacteristic of what they expect of Shakespeare.
  2. It’s not a dry serious piece — whether or not they got the puns or found them amusing after ewe went through them, the play opens with some Dad-joke-level punning.

We’ll be finishing up scene 1 tomorrow.


  • English 8: 
    • students who have not yet completed the quote integration project from “The Christmas Gift” (on Google Classroom) need to complete and to submit it by Thursday;
    • No Red Ink is due this week (don’t blow a straight-forward 100).
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete act 1 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet;
    • complete “Introduction to Shakespearean Language” on Moodle;
    • groups that didn’t turn in their instructions and questions from the Odyssey project need to do so;
    • individuals who did not complete the project self-evaluation need to do so;
    • No Red Ink is due this week (don’t blow a straight-forward 100).