English I students took the common assessment that most other students took last Friday before spending some time comparing “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Those Winter Sundays.” We came up with a number of similarities, which students have the option of using to write analytic Schaffer paragraphs about the poems for extra credit. This represents the second option for extra credit that students have.
English 8 students began planning their last major writing assignment of the first quarter. We’ll be writing about voice in the opening chapters of Nightjohn. We have three options, and we planned topic sentences for all three. We’ll be working on the bodies of the paragraphs over the next two days.
- English 8:
- work on chapter 1 comprehension questions for Nightjohn as necessary (if you have an NHI, email Mr. Scott when complete);
- work on chapter 2 comprehension questions for Nightjohn as needed.
- English I Honors:
- review for parts of speech test next week as necessary;
- work on paragraph evaluation as necessary.