Returning Letters, Progress Reports, and Literature Circles

Circles, letters, and such

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Mr. Scott
school days left

English 8 students continued their literature circles with The Diary of Anne Frank. At this point, groups are really beginning to put distance between themselves: some groups are about to finish scene 2 while others are only midway through scene 1. Many students, therefore, should be reading material at home.

English I students received the introductory letters they wrote at the beginning of the year. Students laughed at the “embarrassing” things they wrote in the letters. I tried to help students realize that the embarrassment comes from the fact that they’ve grown both as human beings and as writers.

English I students also began the final round of their Lord of the Flies lit circle: they’ll be applying two articles on mob psychology to the final four chapters of LotF. This final piece is due next Thursday, and it will be the only writing session for students during which I offer no help at all: it’s time for students to see what they can do themselves. I’m certain they’ll surprise themselves.


  • English 8: work on reading according to your lit circle’s agreement.
  • English I Honors: 
    • assess the third Lord of the Flies writing assignment;
    • work on reading according to your lit circle’s agreement.