Irony, Symbolism, and Literacy

A new unit and a new analysis

September 14, 2021


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Mr. Scott

English 8 students began a new unit that will focus on voice and diction (among other things). We’ll be reading the novel Nightjohn.

English I students began the final analytic Schaffer paragraph, this one on symbolism and irony. We’ll be writing our final analytic paragraph this week, and this final paragraph will be an almost entirely solo effort.


  • English 8: 
    • work on one-pager book as necessary;
    • work on the article of the week as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete the revision of the TS we came up with in class:
      • Third period: “The fact that the symbols ironically affect what is symbolized creates the surprise ending.”
      • Fourth period: “The symbol ironically affects the thing symbolized to create the surprise ending.”
    • work on one-pager book as necessary;
    • work on the article of the week as necessary.
Class Notes

Notes for the day's classes are available here.

Please note that this is a composite file including notes from all classes, though occasionally it might only be one or two classes. I don't differentiate in the file; that is up to you to do.