Grading During Our COVID-19 Sequestration

The grades will derive from your completion amount and the level of engagement (i.e., how…

April 09, 2020


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Mr. Scott

We have received the following instructions from the district regarding grades during this period. As you’ll see, this is a good opportunity to raise your grade with a whole lot of 100s.

Grading Scale

The grades will derive from your completion amount and the level of engagement (i.e., how hard you try) for a given activity.

Meets Expectations (100 points)

The student consistently engaged in the work for the assigned time period by participating/ completing

Approaches Expectations (85 points)

The student was somewhat engaged in the work for the assigned time period by participating/ completing

Does Not Meet Expectations (70 points)

The student completed or engaged in little of the work assigned

Not Handed In (50 points)

The student submitted no work during the time period

Grade Sources

Grades include work in the following forms:

  • Google Classroom
  • Google Meets
  • Phone Conversations
  • completing packets of work
  • engaging in assigned online resources (MATHIA, IXL, Moodle, etc.)

Weekly Grade Calculation

Each assignment will be graded according to the above scale. I will then average those grades. From there, I will round up or down depending on the overall quality of your work.

Grading Periods

I will put the following assignments will be put in the grade book as minor assignments.

  • Participation Week 1: March 18-March 27
  • Participation Week 2: March 30-April 3rd
  • Participation Week 3: April 6th-April 9th
  • Participation Week 4: April 20-April 24th
  • Participation Week 5: April 27-May 1st