Voice and the Second Schaffer Paragraph

All classes began with some work on the article of the week, either this week’s…

September 12, 2018


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Mr. Scott

All classes began with some work on the article of the week, either this week’s or last week’s. English 8 focused on this week’s.

English I Honors focused on last week’s, briefly going over the expected responses and correct answers. One of the questions dealt with background knowledge readers might lack, so we filled in that missing background knowledge with a thirty-second geography lesson.

Afterward, English 8 students continued working on voice in Nightjohn, determining what about her diction and sentence length creates a unique voice for the narrator.

English I students finished the day working in groups to write their second analytic Schaffer paragraph on Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.” The planning they’ve completed in pairs; the actual writing is to be done individually.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: complete the second Schaffer paragraph and have it ready for editing tomorrow.