English 8 students did a little more group practice with the Article of the Week and how we annotate it.
Afterward, students began exploring Moodle, the course management software we’ll be using.
English I Honors students began working on the Schaffer model, a writing technique that will help students
- make their pre-writing move effective;
- organize their writing before they start working on a first draft; and
- help them understand what they need to write next.
We will be practicing it for a few days before trying to apply it to literary interpretation.
- English I Honors:
- read one of the two letters provided in class and choose one paragraph to analyze for Schaffer completeness;
- go to the Moodle site (user name is: first.last (first name followed by last name, with no spaces but with a period instead–and if students have a hyphenated last name, the account only includes the first part; password is “changeme”) and figure out how to turn in the electronic version of the introductory essay at the “Intro to English I Honors” unit.