Conflict, Lit Circles, and the Opening Lines

English 8 Strategies continued with our short review for the MAP test by going over…

February 19, 2016


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Mr. Scott

English 8 Strategies continued with our short review for the MAP test by going over types of conflict and identifying them. We’ll continue the review next week, but we’re now one day ahead of plans.

English 8 Studies had their second day of the lit circles. We’ll be finishing up the first cycle next Friday, so all students in that class should have reading homework almost nightly.

English I Honors students finished with the opening lines of the Odyssey, noticing a few points:

  • It opens with a prayer.
  • There’s a great deal of irony in Zeus’s complaints about humans.
  • The Agamemnon/Clytemnestra/Aegisthus story is important later on in the Odyssey.


  • English 8: read as decided by your lit group.
  • English I Honors: continue working on the Romeo and Juliet project.