Lord of the Flies and Research Concluding

First and fourth periods today discussed chapter 8 of the Lord of the Flies. We…

April 02, 2014


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Mr. Scott

First and fourth periods today discussed chapter 8 of the Lord of the Flies. We mainly focused on the portion of chapter 8 where Simon was hallucinating about meeting the “Lord of the Flies.” From this hallucination, we learn that the beast is in fact the desire to do evil within us all. We then discussed the resemblance of this passage to the passage in the Bible where Satan is tempting Jesus. The “Lord of the Flies” from the novel represents Satan, and the Lord of the Flies is trying to tempt Simon in various ways, as did Satan to Jesus.

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Second and seventh periods completed the initial portion of the research project. They now have three heavily-marked texts, which we will begin using as our sources for a short presentation.

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  • English I Honors: 
    • Assess for the chapters 1, 2 and chapters 3, 4 workshops. Check the due date online!
    • Read chapters 9 and 10 of The Lord of the Flies by Friday.