Emapthy and Revolution

First and fifth periods completed yesterday’s work on adding citations to quoted sources. We also…

February 27, 2013


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Mr. Scott

First and fifth periods completed yesterday’s work on adding citations to quoted sources. We also turned our attention back to “Flowers for Algernon,” reading a moving progress report that shows Charlie’s empathetic tendencies. Afterward, we examined it for the development of the idea of empathy.

Second and fourth periods completed the work on fate in Romeo and Juliet, practicing the fine  art of incorporating quotes from a direct source without the use of “say” or of its many synonyms. Afterward, we watched the first nine minutes of Romeo + Juliet, which we will be finishing this week.

  • First and fifth periods:
    • Read the progress reports of May 23 through June 4.
    • Choose three of the entries and write a one-sentence main idea description.
  • Second and fourth periods: 
    • Choose song for project (if you haven’t already);
    • Complete the song selection wiki at courses.ourenglishclass.net to indicate your selection;
    • Download lyrics and print them out;
    • Begin looking for your connections and planning the paper.