Friday Finale!

Well, not much of a finale: no class really finished a big unit or anything.…

October 08, 2010


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Mr. Scott

Well, not much of a finale: no class really finished a big unit or anything. Still, it’s Friday! We’re all ready for a break.

First, second, and sixth periods had their vocabulary quizzes. Fourth period completed their paraphrasing work — we’re all paraphrasers now! — and is almost finished with the first part of the Odyssey.

  • First period:
    • complete additional vocabulary words (“Tricky Endings”);
    • define the words (as necessary); and
    • determine the parts of speech for various endings.
  • Second and sixth periods: none
  • Fourth period:
    • read “Helios” section;
    • answer questions 9-12 on page 1075.