Acting, Researching, and Preparing

19 First period, theoretically, began working on a short animation project for Much Ado. However,…

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Mr. Scott


First period, theoretically, began working on a short animation project for Much Ado. However, the crawling pace of our local network made it impossible to accomplish very much. During class, I handed out the Much Ado About Nothing review rubric to students of first period.

Second period continued with research for their Victorian England and Great Expectations project. I provided second period with a tentative rubric for their project.

Fourth and sixth periods began preparing for the filming project for Much Ado. They divided into groups, chose a scene, and began preparing. Sixth period was especially keen on getting their acting skills honed and delivering a sharp performance on Monday.

  • First period: review (final draft due Friday 15 May 2009).
  • Second period:
    • complete two pages of research notes;
    • complete literary terms review.
  • Fourth and sixth periods: none.