Returning Home

Returning Home

With temperatures during the winter never really rising above freezing in the mountains of southern Poland, early snowfall only serves as the foundation for later snowfall. In the end, the fields can be buried in three or more feet of snow by the time spring thaws...
Countryside Church

Countryside Church

Merry Christmas to all — and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, enjoy this beautiful day with your family.
Christmas Eve Dinner

Christmas Eve Dinner

The Polish Christmas Eve dinner — Wigilia, which is Polish for “vigil” — was always the highlight of the year for me when I lived in Poland. An evening of quiet reflection, good food, and joyful conversation with family or for me, before I was...
Krakow Rynek

Krakow Rynek

The rynek — market square — of Krakow is always a great place for a stroll in the days leading up to Christmas. The decorations are lovely, there are venders selling all sorts of holiday treats, and everyone just seems a little more polite with each other....