Book Fair Plus

All classes went to the book fair. That part was fairly standard. First period finished…

October 06, 2010


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Mr. Scott

All classes went to the book fair. That part was fairly standard.

First period finished Nightjohn before heading out to the book fair. Second period had a class meeting for the twenty minutes before the fair. Fourth period went over showing versus telling (or snapshots versus thoughtshots). Sixth period finished chapter four of Nightjohn.

There’s a vocab/spelling quiz coming up Friday for first, second, and sixth periods.

  • First period: five-minute free-write on the quote I gave you at the end of class.
  • Second and sixth periods: study for quiz.
  • Fourth period:
    • rewrite cyclops poem;
    • read “Sirens” and “Scylla and Charybdis” sections of the Odyssey.