Citations, Planning, and Drafting

First, second, and seventh periods are all at various stages of the persuasive essay development…

January 05, 2010


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Mr. Scott

First, second, and seventh periods are all at various stages of the persuasive essay development process.

First period will be done with the first draft today (once students complete homework). Those who did not turn in their work today can get 90% credit for completing the first draft by tomorrow.

Seventh period will be done with the outlining (once students complete homework). Those who did not turn in their work today can get 90% credit for completing the outlining by tomorrow.

Second period is, by and large, done with the first draft. We spent some time going over transitions in class. I will assess the persuasive writing assignment for use of transitions. (Rubric to be posted later today.)

Fourth period completed their work on citations. The final works cited page will be turned in with the rest of their essay, due Friday.


  • First period: complete first draft (if not complete already) for 90% credit.
  • Second period: complete first draft (if not already complete).
  • Fourth period: complete all bibliographic entries for works cited page.
  • Seventh period: complete outlining (if not complete already) for 90% credit.