Second Draft

First period began working on their second draft by examining the second indicator of the…

November 19, 2008


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Mr. Scott

First period began working on their second draft by examining the second indicator of the PASS writing rubric and breaking it down into its individual parts. We did this for the first indicator some weeks ago; now we’re adding a second indicator: organization.

It’s always helpful to break down rubrics as far as possible, though, and that’s how we began.

The resulting mini-rubric looked like this:





Organization Has an effective introduction, body, and conclusion. Has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Attempts an introduction, body, and conclusion; however, one or more of these components could be weak or ineffective. Attempts an introduction, body, and conclusion; however, one or more of these components could be absent or confusing.
Transitions Provides a smooth  progression of ideas by using transitional devices throughout the writing. Provides a logical progression of ideas throughout the writing. Provides a simplistic, repetitious, or somewhat random progression of ideas throughout the writing. Presents information in a random or illogical order throughout the writing.

Afterward, students worked in pairs to examine their first drafts for organization (having a clear introduction, body, and conclusion), followed by solo work on transitions.

Fourth and sixth periods slowed things down a little, looking only at the first portion of the second indicator. We concentrated on introductions.

  • Finish second draft (if not completed).
  • Complete introduction.