
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

First Text Structures and Finishing Prologue

First Text Structures and Finishing Prologue

English I students finished the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. They discovered a number of patterns that helped them piece together the whole text and make sense of it. It's not that hard, is it,...

First Day Back 2020

First Day Back 2020

English I Honors students began Romeo and Juliet -- the greatest challenge of the school year, in many ways. We looked closely at the prologue: We'll be continuing tomorrow. English 8 students had...

Final School Day of the Decade

Final School Day of the Decade

Today was the last day of school for an entire decade. "Just think, twenty years ago," I told the kids, "it was the last day of school not just for the year, not just for the decade, not just for...



Every class had a test today: English I Honors kids too a test on clauses and verbs while English 8 kiddos had a test on poetry and figurative language.  

Test Prep for Everyone

Test Prep for Everyone

After going over our diagramming homework (look at that beast below), we worked on test review for tomorrow. English 8 students worked on review for their own test tomorrow.

Clause Review via Sentence Type and

Clause Review via Sentence Type and

English I Honors students began a review for the test on Wednesday by going over sentence types in small groups. Students are working to be able to differentiate between four sentence types: Simple...

Friday Inference Work and Clauses Overview

Friday Inference Work and Clauses Overview

English I Honors students finished up clauses and did some review work for the test next week. We also added gerund and infinitive phrases to our sentence diagramming repertoire. Students were...

Connotation and Noun Clauses

Connotation and Noun Clauses

English 8 students finished working with connotation in Robert Hayden's "Those Winter Sundays." Sixth period didn't quite finish as much as fifth period due to a fire drill, so we'll have to catch...

Adverb Clauses and Winter Sundays

Adverb Clauses and Winter Sundays

English I Honors students worked on diagramming (just a bit) and adverb clauses (just a bit as well): English 8 students began a little final work on poetry, looking at the importance of connotation...

Clauses and Practice with Individual Assessment

Clauses and Practice with Individual Assessment

English 8 students worked on figurative language practice. We did some online practice while I sat with each student individually to assess students' general ability to interpret figurative language...

Diagramming and Inference Work

Diagramming and Inference Work

English I Honors students squeezed in a little experiment as we work through a grammar unit at the end of the semester: sentence diagramming! English 8 students worked on Friday inferring. We're...

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