Prepositional Phrases, Research Questions, and Development

Developing and researching

November 15, 2021


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Mr. Scott

English I students began a short unit on two topics: research strategies and phrases. We went over prepositional phrases today and then looked at how to narrow research questions. Students who were absent can follow along with the English I class stream recording.

English 8 students went over how to answer questions regarding how a given passage in a text contributes to the development of the ideas of the text.

We first looked at what “contribute” and “development” mean in this context. Then we looked for commonalities between the two (the passage in the question and the main idea) and drew some conclusions from that.


  • English 8: work on one-pager book as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • continue working with prepositional phrases, identifying phrases through number fifteen in the Google Classroom assignment;
    • work on the one-pager book as necessary;
    • make sure you have a sufficiently narrowed research question for tomorrow’s work.