Final Act 1 and Main Idea

Final Act 1 and Main Idea

English 8 students completed the final reading for the immigration unit. We’ll be using this to review the process of developing the main idea and creating an objective summary of a text. It’s something students have done since elementary school, but...
5.1 and Main Idea

5.1 and Main Idea

English I students worked on 5.1, which is the famous party scene in which Romeo finally meets Juliet. Our focus for the day was on the hidden stage instructions that guide actors and directors in their creative decisions regarding the play’s staging. We looked...
Monomyth and Central Idea

Monomyth and Central Idea

English I students worked on the monomyth from Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with A Thousand Faces. We only made it through the first three stages of the hero’s journey: Call to adventure Refusal of the call Supernatural aid We’ll continue working on it...