Web Resource Evaluation and

First and fifth periods covered the evaluation of web resources. We also did the associated…

November 02, 2012


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First and fifth periods covered the evaluation of web resources. We also did the associated practice and began evaluating resources using the same graphic organizer we’ll be using on Monday.

CRAP Test Details, First Period

CRAP Test Details, First Period

Second and fourth periods worked on their Odyssey projects. We’ll have two more days to work on these projects before we get to play them.

  • First and fifth periods: same as yesterday. You’re getting a “re-do.” (Of course, the zero from today counts, but at least if you do your work over the weekend, you’ll raise that average and counteract that zero some.)
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • continue working on the project (as decided by group);
    • update the project journal.