Spring 2012 Book Fair and Various Work

All classes attended the book fair. Pictures are available here. First and sixth periods created…

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Mr. Scott

All classes attended the book fair. Pictures are available here.

First and sixth periods created a rubric for the quick two-day political cartoon project we’ll be working on during the next two days.

Second and fourth periods, after having internet problems, switched from the planned start of the Great Expectations unit and did some more work with clauses and sentence types.

Seventh period went over clustering in preparation for a small writing project based on what we just read.

  • First and sixth periods: find and print appropriate political cartoon for project. (You must have a good understanding of the cartoon, or at the very least, you must know what current event the cartoon is editorializing. This might require some research.
  • Second and fourth periods: complete final writing for Lord of the Flies.
  • Seventh period: none.


  1. The writing assignment isn’t due until Friday, right?

  2. At the earliest.