Visualization, Evaluation, and Dramatic Note Practice

It’s always rewarding to have a positive return after a long break such as the…

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Mr. Scott

It’s always rewarding to have a positive return after a long break such as the one we just finished. I think it’s fair to say that today was such a day — at least in room 606.

First and sixth periods had an extended bell ringer that dealt with vocabulary from the Anne Frank unit: reinforce, reinforce, reinforce. We finished up the unit by viewing select scenes from a PBS version of the film based on the diary, play, and historical research. We’ll finish up the viewing tomorrow, with a test on Thursday.

Second and fourth period completed a self-evaluation of their Romeo and Juliet projects before turning to a brief grammar overview of clauses. We’ll be working on grammar and Lord of the Flies together, switching every couple of days in an effort to slow the Flies unit a bit and give students more time to complete the writing assignments for the unit (not to mention giving me more time to assess their work).

Seventh period began a brief unit on drama. We began today, though, by going over how to take notes from a reading, focusing on the vocabulary of typography and text elements:

  • italics
  • bold
  • heading
  • highlighting/font color
  • bullet points
  • First and sixth periods: study for Thursday’s test.
  • Second and fourth periods:
  • Seventh period: complete note taking on pages 656, 7.