Voice, and More Setting/Conflict Fun

Second and fourth period continued wrestling with the question of setting and conflict in “The…

September 01, 2011


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Mr. Scott

Second and fourth period continued wrestling with the question of setting and conflict in “The Most Dangerous Game.” Looking over the homework, we determined that we’re still writing more summary than analysis, so we took a deep breath and a step back: we began reevaluating the story’s setting and conflict (class notes available here), finishing up with some pair work to re-write our analyses.

First and second period continued working on the relationship of voice and word choice. We’ll continue working on this throughout the Nightjohn unit. We began a word map of the term “voice” and will add to it throughout the unit.

  • First and sixth periods: none.
  • Second and fourth periods:
    • complete in-class writing;
    • read pages 124, 125;
    • take notes on handout from the beginning of the unit.