Composition All Around

All classes are now working on composition in one form or another. First, second, and…

September 28, 2009


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Mr. Scott

All classes are now working on composition in one form or another.

First, second, and seventh periods are working on peer revision for their first draft of their memoir. We will be finishing that up tomorrow and completing the second draft shortly. The memoir will be due the following Monday (October 5).

These periods also got the new stems list. We will have a quiz on them this Friday (October 2) and a test the following Friday (October 9).

English I began working on the formal analysis of Antigone. Using the four basic principles of sociology we applied to Lord of the Flies, students will be looking at the social aspects of the play. We spent today going over the requirements, deciding as a group just how the project would look.

  • First, second, and seventh periods: complete the definitions of the stem vocabulary. (Use only the information provided by the stem to make a reasonable guess as to what the word means.)
  • Fourth period: complete the first draft of the essay.