English 8 students worked on their Halloween story, "The Tell-Tale...
Recent News
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Figurative Language, Meter, and Poe Writing
English I students finished up the work on figurative language,...
Quarter 1 Benchmark Testing and the Effects
All students began the day with the first benchmark of the quarter....
Villanelle and Summary
English I students worked on "One Art," finishing up the somewhat...
Homework Only
We're only going over homework today. It's Friday -- too tired to do...
Tonal Shift and Central Idea
English I students finished up "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good...
Tone and a New Unit
English I students continued with tone, returning to "The Lanyard"...
Test and Final Writing
English I students had their parts of speech test. English 8...
Writing, Poetry, and Review
English I students had a final bit of in-class practice with parts...